Buyers often ask us “How do I find a list of USDA approved houses” or “Where can I search for USDA homes listed for sale”, etc. It’s actually pretty simple and just requires inputting the property address in the USDA approved eligibility map here. The USDA approved map will tell you if a property you are looking at is eligible or ineligible. The 2016 USDA map will also allow home buyers to view an entire state or city to get a better of idea of the board approved locations. All one needs to do is click accept, and then input the address. Tip: sometimes is helps to leave out the city name and just input the street number, address and zip code.
It’s important to remember, there is no “mysterious list” of USDA approved houses. USDA Rural Housing is only concerned about the physical location of the property, not the home seller. This means the home being sold can just about any single family, town home or condo as long as it’s located in a USDA approved zone. If you need assistance, please just submit the short Quick Contact form on the right side ( mobile users will find the form at the top of this page)
The home also needs to meet all HUD property standards as it relates to safety and functionality. Basically the home is required to be in decent repair with no major roof, electrical, HVAC, plumbing or WDO issues. The house can have smaller issues as this is pretty normal with any resale home. The idea is to insure that the new home buyers are not consumed with unexpected repairs costs right after closing. All Government loan programs like FHA, VA and USDA essentially follow these same rules. Note – resale mobile/ manufactured homes and rehab homes are not permitted. Read all the USDA purchase FAQ’s here
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Questions about searching or how to find USDA approved home? Please call us at ph: 800-743-7556. USDA Mortgage Hub is here to assist home buyers nationally 7 days a week.